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The Front Plank Exercise: More Challenges

Person performing a plank like the rkc plank

If you’ve been following my previous post, “The Front Plank: New Challenges,” you know how crucial it is to maintain core stability while moving your limbs. Now that you’ve got a handle on those foundational exercises, it’s time to push your core strength even further. Introducing TRX suspension trainer exercises and therapy ball workouts can seriously ramp up the intensity. These exercises are perfect for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to challenge themselves and take their core training to new heights.

TRX Body Saws

Goal: Boost core stability and shoulder strength.

How to Do It:

  1. Setup: Secure your feet in the TRX loops and get into a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Movement: With your core engaged, use your arms to move your body back and forth, simulating a saw motion. As you push your elbows forward past your shoulders, you’ll increase the difficulty, demanding more from your core and shoulders.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your body straight to avoid lower back strain.
  • Move smoothly and steadily to get the most out of the exercise.

Stir the Pot with a Therapy Ball

Goal: Enhance core stability, shoulder coordination, and balance.

How to Do It:

  1. Setup: Place your feet on the ground and rest your bent elbows on the therapy ball, positioning yourself in a plank-like stance with your elbows under your shoulders.
  2. Movement: Engage your core and use your elbows to roll the ball in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. This instability forces your core to work harder to keep you balanced.

Pro Tips:

  • Maintain a neutral spine; don’t let your hips drop or rise.
  • Perform the movement slowly to ensure good form and prevent injury.

TRX Bus Drivers

Goal: Develop core stability, shoulder strength, and coordination.

How to Do It:

  1. Setup: Grab the TRX straps and get into a push-up position. The more horizontal you are, the tougher the exercise will be.
  2. Movement: Start with the straps on one side of your head. Sweep them over to the other side in a controlled motion, mimicking the action of driving a bus.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your core tight and avoid letting your hips sag or twist.
  • Move steadily to get the best results from the exercise.

TRX Prone Swimmers

Goal: Strengthen core, improve shoulder stability, and enhance coordination.

How to Do It:

  1. Setup: Begin in a chest press position with your hands in the TRX straps. Your body should be in a push-up stance, as horizontal as you can manage.
  2. Movement: While one arm performs a push-up motion, the other arm reaches out to the side and up. Alternate between these movements to mimic a swimming stroke.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your spine neutral; avoid excessive arching in your lower back.
  • Perform the exercise slowly to ensure each movement is controlled and precise.

Adding More Challenge

If you’re ready to take things up a notch:

  • Narrow your stance: Bringing your feet closer together increases the challenge for your core.
  • Try one leg: Balancing on one leg while doing these exercises adds another layer of difficulty and tests your stability even further.

Remember: Always keep your hips and shoulders aligned to maximize the benefits and avoid injury.

Wrapping Up

Integrating these TRX and therapy ball exercises into your routine will push your core strength and overall fitness to the next level. Embrace the challenge, focus on maintaining good form, and you’ll see impressive improvements in both your core stability and overall body strength.

Stay strong and keep challenging your limits!

Until next time,

Dr. Notley

Chiropractor and Athletic Therapist, in Winnipeg

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:40 pm