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Glute Stretch

RKC Plank

Glute Stretch

Glute stretch
Glute Stretch
  1. Gluteus Maximus
  2. Gluteus Minimus
  3. Gluteus Medius

Start Position (for left side)

  1. Lying on back
  2. Left knee bent to 90 degrees, hip flexed to 90 degrees
  3. Grab left knee with left hand
  4. Grab left shin with right hand

Finish Position

  1. Pull with both hands towards the opposite shoulder


  1. Wrap towel around leg if you can not hold onto the leg (especially with holding the shin).
  2. Instead of pulling to he opposite shoulder pull to the point mid way between the opposite him and opposite knee.

Common Errors

  1. Bending the right knee
  2. Not pulling with both hands. Both hands must pull towards the opposite shoulder.
  3. Pulling the knee to the same shoulder not the opposite shoulder

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:37 pm