Having a chronic headache is tough. It drains you of your energy. It affects your work and puts a damper on your social life.
Having a headache on a regular basis is tough to handle. You just want to get a reprieve from them.
I love treating headaches. I find they respond very well to spinal manipulation along with active release techniques or acupuncture.
Check out this research paper which compared different doses of spinal manipulation and it’s effect on chronic cervicogenic (neck based) headaches.
Dose-response and efficacy of spinal manipulation for care of cervicogenic headache: a dual-center randomized controlled trial

The purpose of this study was to identify the dose-response relationship between visits for spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and chronic cervicogenic (neck based) headache (CGH) outcomes; to evaluate effect spinal manipulative therapy by comparison with a light massage, which was used as a control.
They found that there was a linear dose-response relationship between SMT visits and days with CGH. For the highest and most effective dose of 18 SMT visits, CGH days were reduced by half, and about 3 more days per month than for the light-massage control.
Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:39 pm