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Radial nerve mobilization reduces elbow pain and short-term relief in computer users

  • Dr Notley Chiropractor & Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg Dr Notley Chiropractor & Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg
DrNotley - Radial nerve mobilization reduces lateral elbow pain and provides short-term relief in computer users.

I stumbled up this blog post awhile ago. Radial nerve mobilization reduces lateral elbow pain and provides short-term relief in computer users.   Often times those who come in to see me for lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) are actually having troubles with their radial nerve.  Mobilizing the radial nerve is something I’ve been doing for some time, with great success, for these patients.

Here is the abstract that the post references

Radial nerve mobilization reduces lateral elbow pain and provides short-term relief in computer users.


Prospective Experimental Study.


Computer users may be at risk of lateral elbow pain. It is theorized that adverse mechanical tension can arise in the radial nerve with sustained keyboarding due to sustained static work of the elbow extensor muscles. Neural mobilization has been suggested as a potential treatment.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of neural mobilization of the radial nerve on a single occasion in terms of its ability to reduce lateral elbow pain.


Forty-one computer professionals, who had experienced lateral elbow pain for a mean of 2.87 months were recruited. The participants rated the pain using a verbal, numeric rating scale (NRS). Radial nerve tension was tested using the Upper limb Tension Test (ULTT) for radial nerve in both upper extremities. The radial nerve was mobilized using a series of 8 oscillations and repeated 3 times with a one minute rest in between. The NRS and ULLT were repeated after treatment and the scores compared using a paired t-test by the first author.


The average NRS scores decreased significantly from 5.7 to 3.8.


A single session of 3 neural mobilization resulted in a reduction of pain in computer users with lateral elbow pain. A long-term randomized trial is needed to determine the effects sustained over-time.

Check out the video I linked to on mobilizing your radial nerve yourself

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:38 pm