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Progressive Muscular Relaxation

by Dr. Christopher Notley

Progressive muscle relaxation is a commonly used form of stress relief. It involves the systematic contraction and relaxation of different muscles of the body.

Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and then removed all articles of clothing which may be tight on your body (watches, shoes, tie, socks, etc). Close your eyes and take a couple minutes to focus on your breathing. Take a slow breath in through your nose and then out through your mouth. When you are ready, follow the following sequence.

With each contraction take 10 seconds to focus on how those muscles feel when they are tense. Do not contract your muscles as hard as possible. Then relax. Feel the sensation of what relaxation feelings like. There is a natural relaxation of the muscles right after they have contracted.

  • Focus your attention onto your left foot. Tighten up the muscles in your foot for ten seconds then relax the foot for ten seconds.
  • Now repeat the sequence on the other foot;
  • Then the left calf;
  • The right calf,
  • The left thigh
  • The right thigh
  • The stomach muscles
  • The left buttock muscles
  • The right buttock muscles
  • The chest muscles (done by rounding the shoulders forward)
  • The upper back muscles (squeezing the shoulder blades together; pinch a penny between your shoulder blades
  • Squeeze the left hand and arm
  • Squeeze the right hand and arm
  • Shrug the shoulders
  • Squeeze your eyes shut and purse the lips

When you are done you will find that you are more relaxed and your breathing has become slower and more rhythmic. As you get more used to this form of relaxation you may recognize certain areas need more work. Repeat theses areas after completing the full cycle.

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:37 pm