When visiting a chiropractor for the first time you may be nervous. For many they are entering into the unknown.
This is what you should expect when you come to one of my offices.
- You will be greeted by our staff.
- You will be given paper work to fill out and a consent form to read. You can speed up the process by filling out the paperwork in advance by downloading them here and bringing them to your first appointment
- Once the paper work is complete, one of my staff or I will bring you to my office
- We will go through a history to learn about your problem. I will also ask about:
- Medical conditions
- Past injuries
- Past surgeries
- Previous medical imaging
- Current medications
- What you do at your job that might contribute to your problem
- What are your hobbies or recreational activities which may contribute to your problem
- Quality of your diet
- Quality of your sleep
- Stress levels
- An examination will be performed which may or may not include
- Checking your range of motion looking for pain and asymmetries of movement.
- Orthopedic examination
- Function movement screen
- Neurological exam which includes reflexes, strength and sensation to touch,pain or vibration
- Mckenzie method examination
- Assessment of the quality of joint movement.
- A diagnosis will be given unless further tests are required. Further tests may include x-rays, MRI, CT scan, blood work etc. I will refer you to your medical doctor if this is required.
- Once treatment has been discussed and agreed upon we will proceed with a treatment on the first day. We won’t treat on the first day if we run out of time, further tests are needed, you are in too much discomfort, or your problem is not musculoskeletal based.
I hope this helps put you a little more at ease. If you have any questions feel free and contact me.
Dr Notley
Winnipeg’s only dual credentialed Chiropractor and Athletic Therapist
Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:38 pm