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Exercise of the Week: Plantar Fasciitis Self Myofascial Release with a Twist

  • Dr Notley Chiropractor & Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg Dr Notley Chiropractor & Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg

One of my treatment philosophies for my patients is that is it important to provide them with the tools to take care of themselves. When it comes to plantar fascia pain using a ball (golf ball, lacrosse ball, spikey ball) have all been helpful in caring for the tightness in the foot.  You can see  a video of this here.

Here is the twist you can try at home. Take a plastic bottle, preferably one that has a smooth and straight shape, like a 1L Pepsi bottle and fill it with water. Freeze the water over night.  When you are ready to use it get an old wool sock, wet it, and place it on your foot.  Then perform the same moves, as the video, on the bottle.  The reason for the wet sock is so that the cold can penetrate deeper.

You can also do the same thing with hot tap water using a metal water bottle.  The heat penetrates through the metal very easily.  Make sure you wear the wet sock to prevent burning yourself and so the moist heat will penetrate deeper into the body.

Give this exercise a try but be careful, especially with the hot water, I don’t want to hear you burnt your foot while trying it.

Dr Notley
Chiropractor and/or Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg since 2000

P.S. Be careful don’t burn your foot.

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:36 pm