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Chiropractic Patient Testimonial

  • by Dr Notley Chiropractor & Athletic Therapist in Winnipeg

“When I walked into your office Chris, I wasn’t completely sure that adjusting me or acupuncture would work to relieve my pain. Thank God I was wrong. I can honestly say I am pain-free and that is something I truly never thought could happen because I hurt in so many places.  Those little needles and the trust I had in you Chris, as a chiropractor and a friend, have changed my life.  I thought I would be on disability forever but now I see a new future for me…going back to work, maybe even playing my favorite sport, disc golf.  I cannot begin to thank you…you will never know how much you have affected my life.  Thank you Dr Notley, thank you my friend! As ‘Butter’ would say ‘Life is good!’ “- Karen, Winnipeg.

I recently had a patient post on my Facebook Fan Page this testimonial and I thought I would share it with you.

 Another message from Twitter said:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you .I feel so much better.” Candy, Winnipeg

I always appreciate getting responses like this.

Thank you Karen and Candy for your kind words

Dr Notley, Chiropractor and Athletic Therapist, in Winnipeg

Originally posted on May 17, 2022 @ 4:40 pm